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Kyoko Kirigiri Discord Bot Documentation

Music Module

Kyoko, join 

Have the bot join the current voice channel you are currently in.

Kyoko, leave

Have the bot leave the current voice channel you are currently in if it is in one.

Kyoko, play <params>

Have the bot play something. The bot has several modes for this:

1. Preset Audio

2. Instruments

3. URL (Spotify URL or Legacy YouTube URL)


1. Preset Audio

Using preset audio is simple, simply provide a preset= caller where you would normally place the URL. After the caller, specify the name of the audio you would like to play.

e.g. Kyoko, play preset=sovietanthem


2. Instruments

Using instruments works somewhat like Preset Audio. provide a i= caller, and add the instrument along with the octaves.


piano (1-7) (Rests)

e.g. Kyoko, play i=piano+7|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|R


3. URL

Simply provide the URL of the song you would like to hear.

e.g. Kyoko, play

(Premium) Kyoko, download_song

Have the bot package the song into a downloadable file through a message.

Kyoko, music_info

Get information about the currently playing song.

Kyoko, pause

Pause the currently playing song.

Kyoko, resume

Resume the paused song.

Kyoko, stop

Stop the currently playing song.

Kyoko, volume <volume>

Change the audio volume.

Moderation Module

Kyoko, ban <user> [reason]

Bans the user with an optional reason.

Kyoko, kick <user> [reason]

Kicks the user with an optional reason.

Kyoko, mute <user> [reason]

Mutes the user with an optional reason.

Kyoko, unban <user>

Unbans the user.

Kyoko, unmute <user>

Unmutes the user.

Kyoko, voice_mute <user> [reason]

Voice Server Mutes the user with an optional reason.

Kyoko, voice_unmute <user> [reason]

UnVoice Server Mutes the user with an optional reason.

Kyoko, voice_deafen <user> [reason]

Voice Server Deafens the user with an optional reason.

Kyoko, voice_undeafen <user> [reason]

UnVoice Server Deafens the user with an optional reason.

Kyoko, changenick <user> <nickname>

Changes the nickname of the user.

Kyoko, giverole <user> <role> [reason]

Assigns the specified role to the specified user for the reason provided.

Kyoko, revokerole <user> <role> [reason]

Removes the specified role to the specified user for the reason provided.

Kyoko, sudo <tts> <msg>

Sudo the bot.

Kyoko, reply <msgid> <tts> <msg>

Sudo the bot replying to a message.

Fun Module

Kyoko, 8ball <query>

Eight Ball!

Kyoko, danganronpa

Fake Danganronpa!

Kyoko, hangman


Kyoko, code_breaker


Verification Module

Kyoko, verify_setup

Setup verification for the server.


Verification Types

1. String

2. Image

3. Minecraft

4. Roblox

5. Fortnite

6. Email


String: Verification requires the user to recite a string.

Image: Verification requires the user to recite a lengthy string from an image.

Minecraft: Verification requires the user to log onto, enter their username, and recite a code messaged to them in-game.

Roblox: Verification requires the user to log onto any roblox game and enter their ROBLOX ID.

Fortnite: Verification requires the user to enter their Fortnite Username.

Email: Verification requires the user to enter their email and recite the code emailed to them.


Kyoko, verify

Start the verification proccess.

Kyoko, deregister_verify

Turn off verification.

Dictionary Module

(Premium) Kyoko, dictionary <query>

Start the verification proccess.

Time Module

(Premium) Kyoko, time [timezone]

Get the current time in 21 timezones, or search for a specific timezone.

(Premium) Kyoko, convert_js_time [int]

Translate a Java time object in milliseconds to a datetime object in python.

TTS Module

(Premium) Kyoko, tts <lang> <str>

Get the bot to say something in a language.

NSFW Module

Kyoko, anime_nudes

ugly rats

Kyoko, porn <query>

Searches for porn.

Kyoko, hentai <query>

Searches for hentai.

Kyoko, wattpad <query>

Searches for wattpad.

Kyoko, bj

You horny piece of sh*t.

Kyoko, nsfw_danganronpa

You deserve a death sentence.

Kyoko, nsfw_ddlc

A man of culture i see.

Welcoming Module

(Premium) Kyoko, welcome_setup

Initiate the welcome setup.

(Premium) Kyoko, leave_setup

Initiate the leave setup.

(Premium) Kyoko, disable_welcome

Disable the welcoming module.

(Premium) Kyoko, disable_leave

Disable the leaving module.

Counting Module

(Premium) Kyoko, counting_setup

Initiate the counting setup.

(Premium) Kyoko, disable_counting

Disable the counting module.

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